Author: Dan Allard

  • Metaspex’s Performance Advantage: A Miracle?

    ow can Metaspex’s “Spec to Cloud” approach work? We have never seen that.We are used to the “Abstraction Penalty” curse. As soon as we try to build software layers on top of layers, we gradually lose performance until the solution becomes unusable or prohibitively expensive. Any hope of reaching a very high level of abstraction… Read more

  • Mentofacturing™

    Metaspex’s Modeling and Organization Transformation Methodology Metaspex’s goal is to automate the development of high-quality back-ends. So you might wonder, what’s left once everything which can be automated, low-level programming and quality assurance, has been left to computers? How do companies organize when the human wave, inspired from Manufacturing is gone? That’s the purpose of… Read more

  • Metaspex’s Technology

    Every once in a while, a technology comes and shakes up how we do things. A well-known one is the relational model. It became mainstream in the 1980s, and disrupted the way we developed back-ends. That was 40 years ago. We know that trees do not grow to the sky. 40 years is an eternity at the scale… Read more

  • Metaspex: the Holy Grail Definitive Answers to the Hardest Software Problems

    The Clay Institute has published a series of unresolved mathematical conjectures called the Millenium Problems. Whether each conjecture is true or not constitutes an independent open problem. These problems are reputed to be both the most significant and the hardest ones that mathematics are currently facing. Their unlocking would translate into massive breakthroughs with important ramifications. There are… Read more

  • A Human Wave Bubble Ready to Burst

    A Human Wave Bubble Ready to Burst

    It is clear that there is an ever growing need for software in the world. When there is need, supply forms naturally. Unfortunately Software is a difficult industry, and it takes a special kind of people to deliver it. We are not talking of something like manufacturing. Software is even in a special class of… Read more